Experiences / Nom Nom Nom
Nom Nom Nom
Nomnomnom of course stands for very tasty snacks and food and you can certainly find those at Comic Con Brussels. Just like every year, the best Belgian and international foodtrucks come to our Nomnomnom-spots and take you on a culinary journey around the world. What do you think about Scandinavian Mead as an aperitif, Vietnamese cuisine, Vegan Delights, Lebanese Wraps, American Burgers, Japanese Onigiri as a main course and Japanese waffles or American Candy as dessert? We take your tastebuds on a journey around the world, but of course we also have the world-famous Belgian Fries and delicious Belgian beers for all of our foreign (and local) visitors. But if you want Brussels Sprouts it is best to bring them yourself in your lunchbox.